“We understand then that the school and the family are a transcendental team, which provides benefits to the child in a double way, their persistence will achieve a mature young man, sure of himself, and above all; ready to get involved and help your social environment”

Student: Dolores Lissette Ortega Vera

“Over time, the models established in educational institutions have undergone a series of modifications, both in their structure and in their functions. These changes that have been generated have also affected agents in charge of the educational process of children. Therefore, it is important to know that, from the first years of life, the first education that the child receives is at home, this is considered as their first social environment, therefore the family is the one who instills the first values, the transmission of these values ​​creates an affective bond that helps their integral development. In other words, the school and the family are the two great educational institutions available to boys and girls to build themselves as citizens"

Student: Ivy Cristhel Vera Yánez

“As a final point, I think that we must all take into account that the responsibility to educate is not only of the school but also of the family, that we will be able to carry out our children (children or students) in an integral way we will only achieve we work together between the school and the family, that is, with the intervention of the entire educational community, making a real and collaborative commitment, this requires time, dedication, patience and mainly love "

Student: María Esther Ochoa Vera


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