
Showing posts from June, 2021


  The objective of our blog is to help parents and teachers in the educational process of children and adolescents. In this article we talk about the importance of maintaining a good relationship between the family and the school, since both have a common objective which is the global and harmonious development of the children and therefore it must be a shared task; in a way that facilitates the achievement of this main objective. Remember that education is a very long process that begins being taught by the family and then the school So, it takes both parties to archieve full educational and personal development of the child. For this, it is considered essential that there is a collaborative relationship between the school and the family, with fluid and constant communication, with various resources or activities so that it can be carried out. And thus allow the students autonomously and comprehensively to know and recognize what is appropriate or not, regardless of the environmen...


In other times, the traditional school didn’t allow parents to contribute with education, most of the times their encounters were negative for both parties, the school and mainly the teacher were considered as an authority to be obeyed for being "experts in education” for their knowledge. This was how education was planned and society in general accepted it. In our days things have changed, the family occupies an essential place in education, since it is where the first teaching-learning steps are taken on what will be built the social and personal life of each member. The family must prepare its members from birth so that they can participate actively in society. This collaboration must be joint since the school alone cannot satisfy the training needs of citizens, but the organization of the educational system must have the collaboration of parents, as primary agents in the education that they are, of the students, that they must train (Ortiz, 2011). This family-school relationsh...


a.  It encourages education: It reinforces their interest in learning and applying it in their life solving problems, students feel motivated and more when their parents and teachers are involved . b. Improves the emotional aspect: This is one of the most important aspects because children learn to manage their emotions such as anger and joy, love, etc. Learn and become an emotionally stable person. c. Learn the values with ease: This is the most essential function of parents, instilling values in their children in a way that the school reinforces them so that they are maintained throughout their lives.


If the school wants to have a good relationship with the children's parents, it must implement some strategies such as: Give talks to parents, making them aware of the important role they play as trainers in the educational process of their children. Strengthen the communication channels between the school-community, thus forging the joint solution of problems. Publicize the existing regulation on school organizations and the important participation that parents can have in the educational institution. Provide psychological guidance to parents and students. The development of healthy and balanced personalities will depend on the coordination and harmony between family and school, whose behavior will influence subsequent social interactions and group experiences, creating a new lifestyle. Let us remember that the child begins his educational trajectory in the family that the school complements, therefore it is urgent that both institutions consider the child as the true protagonist ...


  In this video we can see an essential part regarding the issue of the relationship between school-family, as it well mentions that there must always be support from parents, but in the same way the collaboration of teachers, being that of this in this way, students can have better personal, emotional and cognitive development, all these factors being those that make human beings capable of getting ahead in the face of any adversity presented


 “We understand then that the school and the family are a transcendental team, which provides benefits to the child in a double way, their persistence will achieve a mature young man, sure of himself, and above all; ready to get involved and help your social environment” Student: Dolores Lissette Ortega Vera “Over time, the models established in educational institutions have undergone a series of modifications, both in their structure and in their functions. These changes that have been generated have also affected agents in charge of the educational process of children.  Therefore, it is important to know that, from the first years of life, the first education that the child receives is at home, this is considered as their first social environment, therefore the family is the one who instills the first values, the transmission of these values ​​creates an affective bond that helps their integral development.  In other words, the school and the family are the two great ed...


  Anderson-Butcher, D., Lawson, H., Iachini, A., Flaspohler, P., Bean, J., & Wade-Mdivanian, R. (2010). Emergent Evidence in Support of a Community Collaboration Model for School Improvement. Children & Schools, 32(3), 160- 171. Feliú, S. (2016, April 2016). The importance of the Family in the education of boys and girls. Focus, Studies and Consulting. Home blog. Santiago, Chile.   H.S San Esteban. (2020, March 11). The importance of the family in school education. Hrvatska Skola San Esteban Home blog. Antofagasta, Chile.   Kñallinsky, E. (1999).) Educational participation: family and school. Zaragoza: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias.