In other times, the traditional school didn’t allow parents to contribute with education, most of the times their encounters were negative for both parties, the school and mainly the teacher were considered as an authority to be obeyed for being "experts in education” for their knowledge. This was how education was planned and society in general accepted it.

In our days things have changed, the family occupies an essential place in education, since it is where the first teaching-learning steps are taken on what will be built the social and personal life of each member. The family must prepare its members from birth so that they can participate actively in society.

This collaboration must be joint since the school alone cannot satisfy the training needs of citizens, but the organization of the educational system must have the collaboration of parents, as primary agents in the education that they are, of the students, that they must train (Ortiz, 2011).

This family-school relationship is very important for the monitoring of the student and child, respectively, so that they perceive that in a certain way there is a continuity in their education. With the sole objective of motivating students in their psycho-evolutionary and cognitive development, to collaborate in solving behavioral problems, school failure, internet addiction and social networks, eating problems, social integration, in addition to ensuring that the child is integrated into another social environment, with emotional stability and that establishes an adequate affective bond. Furthermore, it is certainly the task of both parties to motivate and support them.

“We must bear in mind that education is a broad process that begins in the family and then continues with school, and both institutions are needed to achieve full educational development and as a person for the child” 
(Rodrigo y Palacios, 1998).


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